IN THIS BOOK YOU WILL GET IMPORTANT INFORMATION... it is time to stop wondering what is important and necessary,
- BUT to know.
Possibly, the most important information book ever written.
People fear what they do not understand.
Misunderstandings and insults arise more and more. To be free in a world that puts so many obstacles in your way, not an easy task.
We are ignorant in an all-knowing world. Too many opinions and yet so little knowledge. The book is meant to endure times and be a support.
In a noisy world, we are desperately looking for answers, but we can't find them.
Collected from a value system that comes from the great thinkers of past days and improved by the individuality of our time.

In a noisy world, we're desperately looking for answers. We want closeness and approval, love, security, and to find ourselves. However, we often push our loved ones away or don't listen to them, preferring to stay with toxic friends or relationships. Look the reality in the eye, look around you and be honest with yourself.
We want so much, but we're not willing to do anything for it. Would you rather live YOUR life or someone else's? Don't live in someone else's shadow, enough people do that already.
This book should help you to understand the world and yourself better, so that you have more happy days (includes stories and information about me, friends, family and acquaintances).
In the end? We all have to change ourselves (if we want to see change in a broken world). But the most of us aren't ready for that.
Are you ready?

The wise build bridges, the fools build walls